The first day of the rest of our lives
At Pinesong there is something for everyone. Indoor and outdoor activities, concerts, socials, theme dinners, national days, the list goes on. Here is a glimpse of just some of the activities and events we enjoy.
A monthly quiz is held on the first Saturday of each month in the Bayview Lounge from 4pm to 6pm.
All residents are welcome, and there is a $2 charge per person, which all goes into the prize pool for that day.
To finish off the occasion, why not bring along your dinner and refreshments, and join us to share your good company as well.
Earl Irving 021 047 8077
Our Pinesong choir performs twice a year at Pinesong. Rehearsals are on Tuesdays at 3.00 pm in the Matai Room.
Judy Nicholls 816 9177
We hold an interdenominational Church Service once a month, on the 4th Sunday of the month. A wide range of speakers supported by visiting soloists and musicians. We enjoy singing the old hymns and follow the service with a cup of tea or coffee. Services are held in the Bayview Lounge at 3.00 pm, hence the title ‘Sunday @ 3’ All welcome.
Deryck Hunt 021 289 1875
Zumba Gold is a fun way to keep fit and mobile. Come and join in with dance exercise to lively music every Friday morning at 10.00 - 11.00 a.m. in the Seabreeze Lounge, move at your own pace. Everybody welcome. For further information contact:
Hilary Chamberlain
Do you want to have company and fun with a cuppa and bikkies?? Then Monday nights are for you. Please come and joint us for a game of Bingo on Monday at 6.30pm in the café. Bring $5 and a dabber. If you want to know more, please ring
Fay Heywood 022 191 5707
Fridays 1.30pm – 3.30pm. Please feel free to join us at the Matai Room. We will teach you all the “ins” and “outs” of the game of Rummikub!!
Dot Sutton 816 8525
Matai Room
Wednesday, Thursday 10am
We would welcome any new players to join our groups any of these mornings. Do we have any gentlemen? We are short of male players, do come.
Dorothy ph 6716, 817-0576
500 GAME
Just a reminder that anyone wishing to play 500 or to learn or re-learn this great game, we meet in Bayview lounge on Tuesday mornings from 10am-12noon (or even longer). Look forward to seeing you there.
Pat Crow, 6W, 817 7568
The art group meets on Monday 1.30 - 3.00, Wednesdays at 9.30 - 4.00 pm, Thursday 1.00 - 3.00pm. New members would be made very welcome. If you have never tried painting before, or if the last time you did any arty stuff was at school why not give it a go, just turn up at our class, you won't need any gear, we will supply all you will need to get you started. Give Robin Mansfield a ring on 817 2212 if you would like to know more.
Tuesdays at 2.00 - 3-00pm. Why not come along and join in the fun.
Get Physical Exercise Classes, held every Thursday at 9.30am in the Seabreeze Lounge, new participants welcome. Anouschka de Gourley, Advanced Rehab. Karn $5
We have now moved to the Bayview Lounge and will be be playing every Monday afternoon between 1.30pm and 3.30pm if you would like to join us.
Daphne Freeman ph 816 8997
I would like to welcome Janet Cross (Phone 817-6066) as our new Referee. I am sure Janet will do well in this capacity. Thank you Janet for taking this on.
Mondays 1.00 - 3.00pm, Tuesdays 10.00 - 11.00 am, Fridays 1.00 pm
Music Appreciation Group meets on the 1st Wednesday of the month at 7.15pm in the Bayview Lounge. For further information please phone:
Ros Webber 027 302 6839
Please note NEW times for table tennis. Mondays 1.30pm to 3 pm, Thursdays & Saturdays 10.30am to 1.000 pm am. Newcomers especially welcomed.
Tonny Flapper 021 150 6200